The Lord has never left Himself without witnesses. Although we typicl think of the Middle Ages as an era of spiritual darkness, the Lord, in fact, raised up many witnesses to His truth. Nicholas Ore was one such witness. The sermon posted below was preached by Nicholas Orem, on the 4th Sunday of Advent in the year 1363 - before Pope Urban V. The courage involved in such an act is astounding.
Copy of a Sermon made before Pope Urban V., the fourth Sunday in Advent, a.d.
1363, by Nicholas Orem. (From Book V of John Foxe's Acts and Monuments.)
"Juxta est salus mea, ut veniat, ct
justitia," &c. That is, "My saving is near at hand to come, and
my righteousness to be revealed," [Isa. lvi.] After the sentence cf St.
Paul, Rom. ii. and in divers other places, before the nativity of Christ the
whole world was divided into two sorts of men, sorts of the Jews and Gentiles —
the Jews, who waited for the opening of the door paradise by the blood of the
Saviour to come: the Gentiles, who yet sitting in darkness were to be called to
light, and to be justified by faith, as it is written in Romans, chap. 5
This salvation, pertaining both to the Jew and
Gentile, God promised before time to the fathers by the prophets, to stir up
the desire thereof in their hearts the more, and to increase their firm hope
and faith in the same. As first, in Micah vi., the voice of the Lord crieth,
"Health and salvation shall be to all men which fear my name." And
Isaiah xlvi., "I will give in Sion salvation, and in Jerusalem my
glory," &c, with divers other such places. And forasmuch as hope which
is deferred many times, doth afflict the soul, and conceiveth weariness of long
deferring; he, therefore, prophesying of the nearness of the coming thereof,
saith moreover [Isa. xiv.], "His time is near at hand to come." Also
[Hab. ii.], " He will come, and will not tarry." With many such other
places more. So then the holy fathers being in Limbo, looked and hoped that he
should bring out them that sat bound, and which in the house of prison sat in
darkness, as we read in Isaiah xli. Then the time drew on, in which came the
fulness of the Gentiles, and in which the Lord would declare the riches of this
mystery hidden from the world, and from generations. [Col. i.] Wherefore the
Lord, in this text, doth both certify our fathers of the coming of our Saviour,
and doth comfort them touching the nearness thereof, and also teacheth the
justification of the Gentiles by faith, approaching now near at hand, according
to the words of my text, "my salvation is near." Which words were
fulfilled then, what time the Lord did manifest his salvation, and did reveal
his righteousness in the sight of all the Gentiles. And it is divided into three
parts; of which the first speaketh of the nearness of his coming, where it is
said, " my salvation is near." The second concerneth the mystery of
the advent of Christ and his incarnation, where he saith, " ut
veniat," &c. Thirdly, is considered the severity of God, his terrible
revenging judgment to be revealed, where he saith, "ut reveletur,"
&c, which is to be expounded of his primitive justice, whereof speaketh
Amos [chap, v.], saying, " And judgment shall be revealed like a flood,
and righteousness like a strong stream." Wherefore, for our contemplation
of tlie solemnity of the most holy vigil, let us receive with joy the word of
God the Father, "My Salvation is nigh," that is, Christ To whom he
saith [Isa. xlix.], " I have given thee to be a light to the Gentiles, and
to be my salvation throughout the ends of the world:" and again [Isa.
xlvi.], " My salvation shall not slack," &c.
As touching the nearness thereof, it is in
these days opened to us by the gospel, where we read in St. Matthew, When the
virgin Mary was espoused unto Joseph, before they did come together, she was
found with child by the Holy Ghost. By this it was evident to understand, that
our Saviour ought shortly to proceed out of the chaste womb of the virgin,
according as the prophet did foretel, saying, "Behold a virgin shall
conceive and bring forth a son," &c. For as the grape, when it waxeth
great and full, is near to the making of wine; and as the flower, when it
shooteth abroad, hasteth to the fruit; so the salvation of the world, in the
swelling and growing of the virgin's womb, began to draw nigh to mankind. For
then appeared the grace and benignity of our Saviour, whom his mother was found
to have in her womb by the Holy Ghost, as is declared in that which followeth by
the angel, saying, " For that which is born of her is of the Holy
Touching the second part of that which is said,
"ut veniat:" this may be applied to the contemplation of the mystery
of Christ coming in the flesh; whereof speaketh Haggai the prophet [chap, ii.],
"He shall come who is desired and looked for of all nations," &c.
Albeit the same also may be applied to the second advent, spoken of in Isaiah
[chap, in.], " The Lord shall come to judgment," &c.; in memorial
whereof the fourth Sunday was dedicated in the old time, of the fathers. And of
this day of judgment it is written in the prophet Zeph. [chap, ii.], "The
day of the Lord is near, great and mighty, it is approaching at hand, and
wondrous short," &c. And albeit not in itself, yet it may be expounded
in tribulations that go before, as preambles unto the same; as Gregory saith,
"The last tribulation is prevented with many and sundry tribulations going
before, although the end of all be not yet."
Wherefore now coming to the third part of my
sermon or theme, let us see, of those tribulations that go before the last
coming of Christ, if there be any such tribulation approaching nigh at hand,
whereof this last part of my theme may be verified, where he said, "Ut
reveletur," that my righteousness shall be revealed; to wit, the
righteousness primitive, that righteousness may be brought, and the prophecy of
Daniel fulfilled [Dan. ix.], concerning which matter four things here come in
order to be declared.
First, Concerning the revealing of tribulation,
according to that part of my theme, "Ut reveletur," &c.
Secondly, Concerning the nearness of the
tribulation coming, according to '— that part of my theme, " Quia juxta
est," &c. £°"4r.5ub"
Thirdly, Of the false opinions of some upon
this part of my theme, " Ut veniat," &c.
Fourthly, What means and consultation we ought
to take, "
Ut juxta est" As for the first, it is so
notorious and so common in the Scriptures that the church should suffer and
abide tribulation, that I need not here to stand in alleging anything touching
either the causes to be weighed, or the term to be conjectured thereof. As
concerning which causes I will give two rules to be noted before, for the
better opening of that which is to follow: The first rule is, that by the two
kingdoms of the nation of the Hebrews which were in the old time, to wit, by
the kingdom of Israel, whose head was Samaria, is signified in the prophets the
erroneous synagogue; and by the second kingdom of Judah, of whose stock came
Christ, whose head metropolitan was Jerusalem, is signified the true church.
And this rule is not mine, but is the gloss of St. Jerome, and also is the rule
of Origen in the last homily upon the Old Testament, and is approved by the
The second rule is, that by the brothel-house
and fornication mentioned in Judah the prophets, are signified simony, and
abused dispensations, and promotions of persons unworthy, for lucre's sake, or
else for any other partial favour, who, by unlawful ways, by all laws of the
world, come to office and honour. "Merx dicitur namque a merendo;"
that is, because gain or price is derived of gaining; for the which gain or
price, that is sold, which by nature ought not to be sold. Therefore, to give
anything for respect of gain or lure, which ought to be given freely for
virtue's sake, is a kind of spiritual corruption, and as a man would say, a
whorish thing; whereof the prophet [Isaiah, chap, i.] complaineth, speaking of
Jerusalem, and saying, "The city which once was faithful and full of
judgment, how is it now become a whorish city? " And in like manner Hosea
also, the prophet [chap, ix.], "Jerusalem, thou hast fornicated and gone a
whoring from thy God. Thou hast loved like a harlot to get gain in every barn
of com." And in many other places of Scripture, where fornication cannot
be otherwise expounded.
These two rules thus premised, now let us mark
the Scriptures, and, according to the same, judge of the whole state of the
church, both what is past, and what is to come: First, treating of the causes
of tribulation to come: Secondly, of the vicinity of time of the said
tribulation to come.
And first, concerning the state of the church,
and of causes of tribulation, thus saith the Lord in the prophet Ezekiel [chap,
xvi.], speaking to the church states of under the name of Jerusalem: "In
the day of thy birth I came by thee, and saw thee trodden down in thine own
blood," &c. Here he speaketh of the described, time of the martyrdom
of the church. Then it followeth, "After this thou wast cleansed from thy
blood, thou wast grown up, and waxen great; then i.xhe washed I thee with
water, I purged thy blood from thee" (speaking of ceasing of persecution),
"I anointed thee with oil, I gave thee change of raiment, I girded thee
with white silk, I decked thee with costly apparel, I put rings upon church,
thy fingers, a chain about thy neck, spangles upon thy forehead, and ear-rings upon
thine ears. Thus wast thou decked with silver and gold, and a beautiful crown
set upon thine head. Marvellous goodly wast thou and beautiful, even church, a
very queen wast thou: for thou wast excellent in my beauty, which I put upon
thee, saith the Lord God," &c. This prophecy, or rather history,
speaketh of, and declareth, the prosperity of the church. And now hear the
corruption and transgression of the church, for so it followeth: "But thou
hast put confidence in thine own beauty, and played the harlot, when thou hadst
gotten thee a name. Thou hast committed whoredom with all that went by thee,
and hast fulfilled their desires; yea, thou hast taken thy garments of divers
colours and decked thine altars therewith, whereupon thou mightest fulfil thy
whoredom of such a fashion as never was done, nor shall be." Which
whoredom can in no wise be expounded for carnal, but spiritual whoredom. And
therefore, see how lively he hath painted out the corruption and falling of the
And therefore followeth now the correction and
punishment of the church followeth, "Behold I stretch out my hand over
thee, and will diminish thy store of food, and deliver thee over unto the wills
of the Philistines, and of such as hate thee: and they shall break down thy
stews, and destroy thy brothel-houses (that is, the place wherein thou didst
exercise this wickedness) "they shall strip thee out of thy clothes: all
thy fair beautiful jewels shall they take from thee, and so let thee sit naked
and bare," &c. [Ezek. xvi.] Here is plainly to be seen what shall
happen to the church, and more followeth in the said chapter: "Thine elder
sister is Samaria, she and her daughters upon thy left hand: but the youngest
sister that dwelleth on thy right hand is Sodoma with her daughters, whose sins
were these: pride, fulness of meat, abundance, and idleness, neither reached
they their hand to the poor. And yet, neither Sodoma thy sister, with her
daughters, hath done so evil as thou and thy daughters: neither hath Samaria"
(that is, the synagogue) "done half of thy sins; yea, thou hast exceeded
them in wickedness. Take therefore and bear thine own confusion," &c.
Again in Ezek. [chap, xxiii.], after the prophet had described at large the
wickedness, corruption, and punishment of the synagogue, turning to the church,
he saith, "And when her sister saw this, she raged and was mad with lust more
than before; she was mad, that is, with fleshly lust, love of riches, and
following voluptuousness. Her fornication and whoredom she committed with
princes and great lords, clothed with all manner of gorgeous apparel; so that
her paps were bruised, and her breasts were marred." And then speaking of
her punishment, he saith, "Then my heart forsook her, like as my heart was
gone from her sister also." And more over, repeating again the cause
thereof, he addeth, "Thy wickedness and thy fornication hath wrought thee
all this," &c.
The like we find also in Isaiah, Jeremy,
Ezekiel, and in all the other prophets, who, prophesying all together in one
meaning, and almost in one manner of words, do conclude with a full agreement
and prophecy to come, that the church shall fall, and then be punished for her
great excesses, and be utterly spoiled, except she repent of all her
abominations. Whereof speaketh Hosea [chap, ii.], "Let her put away her
whoredom out of her sight, and her adultery from her breasts, lest I strip her
naked, and set her even as she came naked into the world," (that is, in
her primitive poverty). So if she do it not, it shall follow of her as in the
prophet Nahum [chap, hi.], " For the multitude of the fornication of the
fair and beautiful harlot, which is a master of witchcraft, yea and selleth the
people through her whoredom, and the nations through her witchcraft." And
it followeth upon the same, "Behold I come upon thee, saith the Lord of
hosts, and will pull thy clothes over thy head, that they nakedness shall
appear among the heathen, and thy shame amongst the There- kingdoms"
&C. Wherefore by these it is to be understood that upon this church the
primitive justice of God is to be revealed hereafter. And thus church, much of
the first of the four members above touched.
Now to the second member of my theme, "Juxta
est; " concerning the nearness of time. Although it is not for us to know
the moments and articles of time; yet, by certain notes and signs,
peradventure, it may be collected and that the gathered, that which I have here
to say. For the tractation whereof, first I ground myself upon the saying of
the apostle Paul [2Thes. ii.], where he writeth, "That unless there
"come a defection first," &c. By the which defection, Jerorne
gathereth ond expoundeth allegorically, the desolation of the monarchy of Rome:
between which desolation, and the persecution of the church by Antichrist, he
putteth no mean space. And now, what is the state of that commonwealth, if it
be compared to the majesty of that it hath been, judge yourselves. Another
gloss there is that saith, how by that defection is meant, defection that from
the church of Rome shall come a departing of some other churches.
The second note and
mark is this, when the church shall be worse in manners than was the synagogue;
as appeareth by the ordinary gloss upon the third of Jeremiah, where it is
written, "The backslider Israel may seem just and righteous in comparison
of sinful Judah;" that is, the synagogue in comparison of the church of
God. Whereof writeth Origen saying, Think that to be spoken of us what the Lord
saith in Ezekiel [chap, xvi.], "Thou hast exceeded thy sister in thine
iniquities." Wherefore now, to compare the one with the other: First, ye
know how Christ rebuked the Pharisees, who, as Jerome witnesseth, were then the
clergy of the Jews, of covetousness, for that they suffered doves to be sold in
the temple of God: Secondly, for that they did honour God with their lips, and
not with their heart; and because they said, and but did not: Thirdly, he
rebuked them, for that they were hypocrites. To church the first then, let us
see whether it be worse to sell both church and sacraments together than to
suffer doves to be sold in the temple, or not. Secondly, whereas the Pharisees
were rebuked for honouring God with their lips, and not with their heart, there
be some who neither honour God with heart, nor yet with lips, and who neither
do well, nor yet say well; neither do they preach any word at all, but be dumb
dogs, not able to bark, impudent and shameless dogs, that never have enough;
such pastors as have no understanding, declining and straying all in their own
way, every one given to covetousness from the highest to the lowest And
thirdly, as for hypocrisy, there be also some whose intolerable pride and
malice are so manifest and notorious, kindled up like a fire, that no cloak or
shadow of hypocrisy can cover it, but they are so past all shame, that it may
be well verified of them, which the prophet speaks, "Thou hast gotten thee
the face of a harlot; thou wouldst not blush," &c.
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