Rev. James Wood, D.D.
We will now adduce some motives to influence parents and heads of
families to maintain household religion; or in other words, to
adopt as their own, and to carry into practical effect, Joshua's
resolution to serve the Lord.
The great end of household religion, viz., serving the Lord, is the
highest object for which intelligent beings ought to live.
Hence parents and heads of families are under solemn obligations to
God, to acknowledge him as their God, and the God of their
households, by such acts as manifest their belief in his existence
and attributes, their supreme veneration for his character, and their
profound regard for his authority. To live without religion is
practical atheism, and parents who have no religion in their
families, teach their children, so far as their own example goes, to
be atheists. They virtually say, that there is no being in the uni
verse whom they are bound to worship. Such persons are rebuked by the
very heathen, who teach their children, both by precept and example,
to pay homage to idols. Let the multitudes in this Christian land,
who bring up their children without any religious recognition of the
only living and true God, consider the unreasonableness of their
conduct. "The God in whose hand their breath is, and whose are
all their ways, they do not glorify." They do not mention his
name religiously to their offspring, though "children are a
heritage of the Lord."
may probably reply, that they worship God in secret. This is highly
important. But if they have no family religion, their households, as
such, live "without God in the world." Their children
witness no religious acts, by which their parents are distinguished
from the veriest infidels. Is not this treating God with neglect and
dishonour? Others, perhaps, may say, that they avoid teaching their
children religion, in order that they may learn and judge for
themselves, when they arrive at mature age. This is a serious
mistake. On any other subject except religion, it is universally
regarded as preposterous. Let it be understood, that by teaching
religion, we do not mean coercion, but the communication of
scriptural light and knowledge; such instruction and influence, such
precepts and examples, as will give their minds the right direction,
and furnish them with the requisite materials for forming a correct
and enlightened judgment. This is a duty which cannot be neglected,
without a practical denial of the true God, and of his claims to our
service. It is not possible, therefore, for parents to frame a valid
excuse for withholding from their children proper instruction
concerning the character of God, and their relations and obligations
to him. The knowledge of God is the most important of all knowledge,
and the service of God is the most reasonable of all claims. "A
son honoureth his father, and a servant his master: if then I be a
father, where is mine honour? and if I be a master, where is my fear?
saith the Lord of hosts." Having then in view the high and holy
end of glorifying God, we remark,
That household religion is very important to parents and heads of
families, as indicative of their own desire and purpose to serve the
Lord, and also as an aid and encouragement thereto. Notice for
example family worship, which is an essential part of household
religion. Those parents who habitually neglect this duty, seldom
worship God in secret, and the habitual neglect of secret devotion,
indicates the absence of piety in the heart, and even of a desire to
become pious. It is therefore a hopeful sign when men begin to offer
prayer to God. "Behold he prayeth," was mentioned by the
Lord concerning Saul of Tarsus, as indicating that his inward
feelings had undergone a great and glorious change. This change was
visible; and it will be so, more or less, in every other case, where
a disposition to pray has been implanted in the soul. Even when the
change has not yet become radical, but there is only an earnest
desire to become pious, a resort to the closet for secret prayer is
an almost invariable consequence. Suppose heads of households to have
arrived at the point of a sincere and prayerful desire to serve God;
if, in addition to daily prayer in their closets, they erect the
family altar and maintain regularly the worship of God in their
households, the happy tendency of this course will be to increase
their desire, and to ripen it into a solemn and fixed resolution, in
reliance on divine grace, to devote themselves to the service of the
Household religion will generally secure the filial obedience of
children to their parents, and brotherly love and affection to wards
each other. The Bible enjoins upon children to obey and honour their
parents; but it also requires parents to train up their children in a
religious manner, and thus secure these happy results. "Fathers,
provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture
and admonition of the Lord." By the Jewish law, "a stubborn
and rebellious son" was to be stoned to death. But this law was
predicated on the fact that his parents had " chastened him, and
he would not hearken unto them." Of course it implied the duty
of parental fidelity in maintaining this part of household religion.
This was a vital point; and the silence of Scripture history, with
regard to these extreme cases, shows that faithfulness on the part of
parents, seldom failed to render their children obedient and dutiful.
further, as parents are the common bond of union between the members
of the household, it follows that where parental authority is
maintained on religious principles, and these principles are
impressed on -the minds of their children, the impressions thus made,
are not only reciprocated towards their parents, in the form of
filial love and obedience, but are sensibly and sweetly felt among
themselves in all their domestic intercourse. This is especially so,
when household religion assumes a devotional aspect; when the head of
the family becomes the medium of conveying the common wants and
desires of all present to the throne of divine grace; and when all
unite with him in songs of praise and thanksgiving to God for mercies
received. An affection is thus kindled for each other of a more
sacred character than is possible to be produced without the benign
influence of religious devotion.
Household religion will exert an important influence in rendering
our children respectable and useful members of society.
Intelligence and virtue are the two pillars on which society rests;
and the household is the place where the materials are to be moulded
for future use. If parents suffer their families to grow up in ignorance and irreligion, they must blame themselves if their children,
who ought to be their honour and pride, shall bring down their gray
hairs with sorrow to the grave. They may leave their children rich
patrimonies, but, if they lack early intellectual and moral training,
they can never, except by a rare combination of circumstances,
acquire those qualifications which fit them for important social
positions. It was remarked by an old author, that "golden
citizens, who will make golden laws, and practise golden principles,
are far more valuable than golden metal." Such citizens
constitute a nation's wealth; and they generally proceed from
households in which due care was taken to form their characters
according to the principles of God's Word. The divine precept,
"Honour the king," is placed in immediate juxtaposition
with the command, "Fear God;" thereby teaching us that good
citizenship is closely connected with a religious reverence for the
Divine Being. Hence the importance of household religion, where this
reverence is daily inculcated. In such a country as ours, where all
the people are rulers, as well as citizens, the importance of
household religion is incalculable. Our civil government is like the
wheels in Ezekiel's vision, "a wheel in the middle of a wheel;"
and if these wheels are controlled by men who have not the fear of
God before their eyes, what can be anticipated but disaster and ruin?
Let parents and heads of families consider the important relation
which they sustain to the future citizens of our land, and to the
destiny of our country; and let their patriotism, as well as their
piety, prompt them to give to the rising generation the advantages
and benefits of household religion. "What man is he that feareth
the Lord?" "his seed shall inherit the earth:" i.e.
they shall be prosperous, honourable, and useful.
Household religion is God's ordinary method of perpetuating his
Church, and transmitting the true religion from one generation to
another. The reason assigned in the Second Commandment for
prohibiting idolatry, is both awful and blessed in its import. "For, the Lord thy God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the
fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of
them that hate me, and showing mercy unto thousands of them that love
me, and keep my commandments." The fearful curse which is here
pronounced upon ungodly households ought to excite the apprehension
of those parents, who "worship and serve the creature more than
the Creator;" who teach their children to set a high value on
worldly possessions, but to place a low estimate on spiritual things;
who run riot in sinful pleasures, but take no thought to secure for
themselves or their families an interest in Christ.
not to dwell on this awful picture, let us consider the pleasing
converse of this, in the promise of mercy to the descendants of those
who love God and keep his commandments. This has been remarkably
fulfilled, by the manner in which the history of the Church has moved
on in grand parallel with family genealogies. From the calling of
Abraham to the advent of Christ there were forty-two generations. Of
these the Bible furnishes two distinct records, with the design of
showing the genealogy of our Lord; but giving incidentally the
progress of the Church during that period. These records illustrate
the interesting fact that the covenant which was made with Abraham
and his household, and his seed after him, embraced his seed, not
merely as individuals, but as households; and they also teach the
instructive lesson that the ecclesiastical and spiritual benefits of
that covenant were preserved from one generation to another, by
God's blessing on the moral influences of house hold religion.
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, according to the conditions of the
Abrahamic covenant, successively commanded their children and
households after them.'to keep the way of the Lord; and, in
conformity with these acts of household piety, God was pleased to
announce his gracious purpose of perpetuating his Church through
their families; saying "I am the God of Abraham, and the God of
Isaac, and the God of Jacob;" while this high privilege was
lost to the posterity of Ishmael, Lot, and Esau, on account of their
criminal neglect of religious duty.
blessing of Abraham has come on the Gentiles, through Jesus Christ;
and the same principle is in operation under the Gospel dispensation
as in the Old Testament church. It was concerning Gospel times that
the prophetic promise was made, "I will give them one heart and
one way, that they may fear me forever, for the good of them and
their children after them." "The children of thy servant
shall continue, and their seed shall be established before thee."
We have known a pious family (and there are doubtless many such
families) who could distinctly trace their descent for nearly two
hundred years; and they could show by authentic records, that their
ancestors during that entire period had been pious. Though God is
able of stones to raise up children unto Abraham, he usually proceeds
on the principle which we are now illustrating; and it furnishes a
powerful motive for maintaining household religion. The inheritance
of grace is incomparably more valuable to our descendants than any
earthly possession.
Household religion is the appropriate means for preparing parents
and their families for heaven. To show this, nothing further is
necessary than to restate the several particulars in which household
religion consists; viz., the possession of personal piety by the
heads of families; a public profession of faith in Christ; the daily
performance of family worship; the faithful religious instruction of
their children; proper parental restraint and correction; a pious
dedication of their children to God in the ordinance of baptism;
succeeded by a diligent use of all the other means of grace appointed
in God's Word; such as teaching them to improve in a right manner
their infant baptism, preparing them to become worthy recipients of
the Lord's Supper, and enjoining upon them the duty of praying for
themselves; and finally, the requisition that they properly observe
the Christian Sabbath, by a suspension of business and worldly
recreation, by reading God's Word, and by a regular attendance upon
the public ministrations of the Gospel. These are all scriptural
means of grace and salvation, and if per formed in a right manner,
they involve a true Christian experience; while with reference to
parents and heads of families, the entire discussion is predicated
upon their own sincere and pious purpose, by the aid of the Holy
Spirit, to serve the Lord. With regard to themselves, therefore,
these means are designed, for the most part, to promote their
sanctification, rather than their conversion; and they have a
sufficient scripture-warrant for their further use in securing the
conversion and salvation of their children.
parents exercise faith in God's holy covenant, and in his gracious
promises to those who are faithful in the discharge of Christian
duty. Let them pray and labour for the conversion of their children,
and persevere therein amidst all discouragements and delays. "In due season they shall reap, if they faint not." The following
is a forcible illustration of God's mercy and grace in this
particular. The Rev. A. D. Merrill states, that "there was once
a pious father with seven children, who had maintained the worship of
God in his family, until all his children had grown up to mature
years, and not one of them had been as yet converted to God. At last
the old man's faith began to fail in relation to the promise; and
growing 'weary and faint in his mind,' he resolved to give up family
worship, and confine his devotions to the closet, and to leave his
children to do as they pleased. But before proceeding to do this, he
determined to call his children together once more, and explain to
them his reasons for this course. Taking up the 'old family Bible,'
from which he had so often read to them 'the words of eternal life,'
he thus addressed them: 'My children, you know that from your
earliest recollection I have been accustomed to call you together
around this altar for family worship. I have endeavoured to instruct
you in the ways of the Lord, and to imbue your minds with the truth.
But you have all grown up, and not one of you is converted to God.
You are yet in your sins, and show no signs of penitence. I feel
discouraged, and have concluded to make no further efforts for your
salvation — to demolish my family altar — to confine my devotions
to my closet, and thus endeavour still to work out my own salvation,
while I leave you to yourselves.' Upon his speaking thus, first one
and then another fell upon their knees, and besought him that he
would not do as he proposed, but that he would continue to pray for
them, and that he would do it now; for they were now ready to give
their hearts to God. He bowed with them. The Holy Spirit descended,
and before they rose from their knees, they were all rejoicing in
the Lord. One of their number who was married, and away from home,
upon returning on a visit, and hearing what great things the Lord had
done for the rest of the family, likewise became anxious for her
soul, and gave her heart to Christ. Thus they were all saved, and the
covenant promise fulfilled."
a cheering fact! A whole family converted as the fruit of parental
faithfulness! A whole household made heirs of God, and joint heirs
with Christ, to the inheritance of heaven! How wonderfully changed
their prospects! Before, they were children of wrath, as all ungodly
households are now! The wrath of God abiding on them, and they
constantly exposed to his eternal wrath! How indescribably awful is
the thought of a household congregating in hell! The rich man
mentioned by our Lord greatly dreaded the presence of his former
family associates. "I pray thee, therefore, father [Abraham],
that thou wouldst send him [Lazarus] to my father's house; for I have
five brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest they also come
into this place of torment." If parents fear to meet their
children in perdition, where they will be the accusers and tormentors
of each other forever, let them first come to Christ themselves, and
then lead their families to him, that they may thus be made the
common partakers of his salvation.
assembling of households in heaven will be a joyful meeting. Parents
appear there more venerable than when in hoary age they received the
filial regards and attentions of kind and dutiful children, while
every indication of infirmity and decay has forever departed, and
they are as verdant, healthful, and vigorous as in their early
manhood. Around them are their once happy children, of all ages, from
the buoyant youth to tender infancy — children still in gentleness,
docility, and beauty, but ripe, or rapidly maturing in divine wisdom
and knowledge. Family ties, once severed by death, are reunited,
never again to be broken. Their tears, often shed below, are forever
wiped from their eyes, and their countenances, which were here so
often sorrowful, now beam with ecstatic joy. While in the flesh, they
may have toiled hard, yet have received as their daily pittance less
than was needful for the comfort able supply of their bodily wants.
But now "they rest from their labours," they eat freely of
"the hidden manna," and they drink of "the water of
life." On earth, they may have occupied an humble domicile —
now they have apartments in the "King's palace." In this
world, their clothing may have been coarse and homely — now they
are "brought to the King in raiment of needlework;" their
"clothing is of wrought gold." While passing through this
life, their habitations were not always luminous with their
Redeemer's presence, even when they were offering him their homage.
At best, they saw "through a glass darkly;" and sometimes,
for just cause, he temporarily hid from them the light of his
countenance. But now they see him "face to face;" they
behold the "King in his beauty;" they are daily in "his
temple;" they unceasingly celebrate his praise. With such
glorious hopes as these, let Christian parents be prompted to perform
with constancy and zeal the several duties involved in household
above article was originally published The Home, The School, and
The Church, Volume 8 (1858)
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