Sermon by William S. Plumer
carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law
of God, neither indeed can be. — Rom. viii. 7.
is no trifle. It is not an honest mistake. It is wickedness. It is
wholly contrary to all that is lovely in the character of God. If it
breaks not forth in crimes to be punished by the judges, yet the
carnal mind, the unregenerate heart of man, is enmity against God.
"The friendship of the world is enmity with God." All that
is of the flesh and of the world is opposed to God. The words of the
text are very strong. They do not say that the natural heart of man
has some shyness towards God; but that it is a foe to God, it hates
God, his will, his law, his nature. Nothing is more contrary to any
other thing than is the carnal heart to the Most High. It is not
subject to the law of God. It does not consent to the law that it is
good; it does not serve the law; it does not delight in the law; it
does not submit to the law. The will of the carnal mind is hostile to
the will of God. It is not subject to his law, neither indeed can be.
Sin cannot be pleased with holiness. A vile heart perverts or opposes
all that is pure. Love obeys God. Hatred denies him, and resists him,
and rejects him.
us think of these things.
Men prove their hatred to God by their dislike of sound knowledge
concerning him. At two periods in the history of this world, once in
the family of Adam and once in the family of Noah, every man on earth
had the true knowledge of the true God. But men did not like to
retain God in their knowledge. When they knew God they glorified him
not as God. For thousands of years God has raised up great numbers of
able and faithful men, who have with zeal told the truth, and made
known God's word and will. Yet many, even in Christian lands, have
not the saving knowledge of God. This great fact cannot be explained, if men do not hate God.
II. Men show their hatred to God by
the way in which they treat his name. They often take it in vain.
They mingle it up with profane oaths and horrid curses, with their
ribaldry, their prejudices, and their religious errors. They use it
in jests, and in vile songs, and in mockery. The name of no pest of
society is so often lightly spoken of, as is the name of God. No
scourge of his race, who involved his native land in civil war, or
led his people into ruinous foreign war, is ever named with such
hatred as the wicked express toward God. In every city and town and
land more slanders are spoken against God than against all others. I
have often been struck, on entering a strange place, with the fact
that the very first word I heard uttered was something expressive of
contempt towards God. I have sometimes remained an hour or a day in
such a place, and heard not one word uttered against any but the name
of God only.
III. Men prove their hatred to God, because they are
unwilling to see his glory advanced. When Joseph's brethren saw that
their father tenderly loved him, they hated him and could not speak
peaceably to him, Gen. xxxvii. 4. And when his prophetic dreams told
of his coming greatness, they hated him yet the more for his dreams
and for his words ; and they envied him, Gen. xxxvii. 8, 11. The
higher he rose, the higher rose their malice. So sinners are grieved
when God is honoured. "When the chief priests and scribes saw
the wonderful things that Jesus did, and the children crying in the
temple, and saying, Hosanna to the Son of David, they were sore
displeased," Matt. xxi. 15. Why was this? Not because he had
taught any error, nor slandered any one, nor wronged any one; but
because they hated him with a cruel hatred. Had they loved him, they
would have been glad to see others honour him.
IV. Men show their
enmity to God by their hatred to his law and his government. They
will not have him to reign over them. Every man on earth, if he is
without the grace of God, does daily, willingly, and allowedly break
the spirit of the moral law and every precept thereof. Where is the
unrenewed man that loves the Sabbath, as a day of sacred rest holy
unto the Lord? Where is the carnal mind that does not covet whatever
it fancies? Not one in a thousand of wicked men do seriously profess
any love to the law of God, or declare that they daily aim to meet
its demands, or express sorrow when they fail to obey it. Men, not
under grace, do cast away from them the cords of divine restraint.
If men did not hate God, they would not hate his people as they do. A
child of God knows that he has passed from death unto life, because
he loves the brethren. But from the days of Cain to this hour, the
people of God have been hated, hunted, hounded, slandered, reviled,
misjudged, and murdered, till the earth almost everywhere is ready to
disclose their blood. The path of every saint has been soaked with
his tears for the wickedness of the wicked. Since Christ went up to
heaven, more than fifty millions of human beings have suffered
violent deaths for their professed subjection to the Saviour. If men
loved God, they would not hate his people.
VI. Men prove that they
hate God by hating his character, and especially the mild and
merciful at tributes of his nature. Everywhere the pious exult in
God's almightiness, omniscience, and omnipresence. But the wicked
have no hallelujahs for such perfections. The cry of the carnal
heart is, "Cause the Holy One of Israel to cease from before
us," Isa. .xiii. 1 1 . And when God displays his rich mercy and
saving grace in rescuing many sinners and bringing them to hope in
his Son, the fleshly mind (unless divinely restrained) rises up in
great wrath. How vile must be the heart, that hates a pure revival of
gospel holiness. Yet even one sound conversion sometimes stirs up
frightful malice. I have known a minister well received by a family
when he went to preach a sermon at the death of a godless youth ; but
coldly repulsed when he went to tell his conscience-stricken sister
what she must do to be saved. VII. The ingratitude of men for God's
great and numerous mercies shows their hatred of him. These mercies
are both temporal and spiritual. They relate to soul and body, to
mind and heart, to health and friends, to life and all things. They
cannot be counted up. The best of them cost the life of the Saviour.
All of them are the fruits of his bounty. Yet many daily sit down to
a table loaded with comforts and never even in words give thanks to
God; and many more give thanks in words, but by their wicked lives
clearly show that they have no real love to God. VIII. But on this
solemn matter God's word is full and clear. Nathan, Asaph, David, and
Paul speak of the haters of the Lord, Ps. lxxxi. 15; of the haters
of God, Rom. i. 30; of the enemies of the Lord, 2 Sam. xii. 14; and
of the enemies of the King, Ps. xlv. 5. There are many other texts
that teach the same thing. "He that sinneth against me wrongeth
his own soul: all they that hate me love death," Ps. viii. 36.
Again, " Whosoever will be a friend of the world is the enemy of
God," Jas. iv. 4. Paul states it as beyond dispute that before
their conversion Jews and Gentiles were enemies, Rom. v. 10. Our Lord
himself charged the unconverted of his day with the same enmity: "
They have both seen and hated both me and my Father. He that hateth
me, hateth my Father also," John xv. 23, 24. This enmity against
God is very stout, untiring, pure, and unmixed. It is mortal. It had
rather die than love God. If it could, it would dethrone the
1. We see the nature of sin. It is war with God.
It is dreadful wickedness.
2. It will be just in God to punish those
who thus hate him. Not a curse does he denounce against the ungodly
beyond what equity demands.
3. It is evident that men must be born
again or perish. They are in their minds and by wicked works enemies
to God. They never can see his face in peace unless they are renewed
in the temper of their minds, their enmity slain and love planted in
their hearts. How could God's foes assure their hearts before him if
they could not submit to him on earth? Could they delight in him in
heaven? Baptism, seeing sights and visions, hearing sounds and
voices, shouting and professing flaming love, will save no soul. No
thing short of a real, great, inward, mighty, thorough, spiritual
change will meet the case of any man. That change must take place
soon. Ere long it will be said: "He that is unjust, let him be
unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still,"
Rev. xxii. 11.
4. We are not saved by finite power. Sinners "are like the deaf adder, that stoppeth her ear; which will nor
hearken to the voice of charmers, charming never so wisely," Ps.
lviii. 4, 5. It requires more than sweet music to raise the dead. An
arm of flesh is not strong enough to save a soul. God must do the
whole work, or it will not be done.
5. Truly God is love. No king
ever had so bitter enemies. Yet no king ever made to his best friends
such gracious offers as God is making to his worst enemies on earth.
He actually gives us food, raiment, shelter, and friends as if we
were not wholly undeserving. In providing a Saviour, his goodness
surpasses all names of love. "For a good man some would even
dare to die; but God commendeth his love to us in that while we were
yet enemies, Christ died for the ungodly." And how long he
continues his offers of pardon and mercy. Verily, he endures with
much long-suffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction. O
sinner, sinner, turn and live.
6 from Short Sermons For The People,
London, 1872