without Christ
Charles Hodge (1823-1886)
published in the Princeton Review, April 1876 (Vol. 5, Issue 18).
experience of one Christian is the experience of all. This is the
conscious bond of their union. The hymns which live through all ages,
are hymns of praise to Christ. All Protestants can join with St.
Bernard, when he says: "Jesus, the very thought of Thee, With
sweetness fills my breast; But sweeter far Thy face to see, And in
Thy presence rest. When once Thou visitest the heart, Then light
begins to shine, Then earthly vanities depart; Then kindles love
divine. Jesus, our only joy be Thou, As Thou our prize shalt be;
Jesus, be Thou our glory now, And through eternity." "JESUS,
OUR BEING'S HOPE AND END." They can also join with that other
Bernard, who says of heaven: "The Lamb is all thy splendor, The
Crucified thy praise, His laud and benediction, His ransomed people
raise." What is true of the Christianity of the mediaeval
saints, is true of believers now. Toplady's hymn "Rock of Ages,
cleft for me," finds a response in every Christian heart, So
does his hymn... "Compared with Christ, in all besides, No
comeliness I see; The one thing needful, clearest Lord, Is to be one
with Thee." "Thyself bestow; for Thee alone, I absolutely
pray." "Less than Thyself will not suffice, My comfort to
restore: More than Thyself I cannot have; And Thou canst give no
more." Cowper expresses the hopes and feelings of every believer
in his hymn, "There is a fountain filled with blood, Drawn from
Immanuel's veins; And sinners Plunged beneath that flood, Lose all
their guilty stains."
Christian can join with Newton in saying, "How sweet the name of
Jesus sounds, In a believer's cars; It soothes his sorrows, heals his
wounds, And drives away his team. It makes the wounded spirit whole,
And calms the troubled breast; 'Tis manna to the hungry soul, And to
the weary rest." "He is a rock, a shield, a hiding-place, a
never-failing treasury." "Jesus, my Shepherd, Husband,
Friend, My Prophet, Priest, and King, My Lord, my Life, my Way, my
End, Accept the praise I bring." "When I see Thee as Thou
art, I'll praise Thee as I ought." In like manner, Keble makes
Christ everything to the believer. "Sun of my soul, Thou Saviour
dear, It is not night, if Thou be near." "Abide with me
from morn to eve, For without Thee, I cannot. live; Abide with me
when night is nigh; For without Thee, I dare not die." "Come
near to bless-us when we wake, Ere through the world our way we take;
Till, in the ocean of Thy love, We lose ourselves in heaven above."
hymn, "Jesus, lover of my soul," is on the lips of every
English- speaking Christian. All look up to him as a guide, as their
refuge, their trust, their only source of strength, as their all,
more than a1l — as the source of spiritual and eternal life. In
another hymn he says: "I thirst, I pine, I die to prove, The
wonders of redeeming love, The love of Christ to me. Thy only love do
I require; Nothing on earth beneath desire, Nothing in heaven above.
Let earth, and heaven, and all things go, Give me Thy only love to
know, Give me Thy only love." Again, "Oh, for a thousand
tongues to sing, My dear Redeemer's praise, The glories of my God and
'King, The triumphs of his grace," etc., etc. So Dr, Watts,
"Dearest of all the names above, My Jesus and my God."
"Till God in human flesh I see, My thoughts no comfort find."
"But, if Immanuel's face appear, My hope, my joy begins."
"Jesus, my God, Thy blood alone, Has power sufficient to atone;
Thy blood can make me white as snow; No Jewish type could cleanse me
so." 'To the dear fountain of Thy blood, Incarnate God I fly,
There let me wash my guilty soul From sins of deepest dye." "A
guilty, weak, and helpless worm, On Thy kind arms I fail, Be Thou my
strength and righteousness, My Jesus and my all." Volumes might
be filled with such proofs of what Christianity is in the hearts of
Christians. It will be observed, it is not mainly Christ as a
teacher, as an example, nor even as the expiator of our sins — it
is not mainly what He has done that is rendered thus prominent; but
what He is. He is God clothed in our nature, ever with 'us, ever in
us — our life, our present joy, our everlasting portion; the one to
whom we owe everything, from whom we derive everything, who loves us
with a love that is peculiar, exclusive (that is, such a, he
entertains for no other class of beings), and unspeakable.
painful contrast with the Christianity of the Bible and of the
church, there is a kind of religion, very prevalent and very
influential, calling itself Christianity, which may be properly
designated Christianity without Christ. It might be all that it is,
though Christ had never appeared, or, at least, although our
relation to him were entirely different from what it really is.
lowest form of this kind of religion is that which assumes Christ to
be a mere man, or, at most, merely a creature. Then, of course, He
cannot be an object of adoration, of supreme love, of trust, and of
devotion. The difference is absolute between the inward religious
state of those who regard Christ as a creature, and that of those who
regard him as God. If the one be true religion, the other is impiety.
The second form of this religion admits of higher views of the person
of Christ, but it reduces Christianity to. benevolence. And by
benevolence is often meant nothing more than philanthropy. The gospel
is made to consist in the inculcation of the command, Love your
neighbor as yourself. All who approximately do this are called
Christians. Hence it is mid, that if all records concerning Christ
should be blotted out of existence, his religion could be evolved out
of our own nature.
hence, too, an avowed atheist is told, that if he sits up all night
with a sick child, he is a Christian, whatever he may think. A
popular poem — popular because of the sentiment which it teaches —
represents the recording angel as placing at the head of those who
love God, the name of the man who could only say; "Write me as
one who loves my fellow-men." The love of our fellow-men is thus
made the highest form of religion. This is below even natural
religion. It ignores God as well as Christ. Yet this is the doctrine
which we find, variously sugared over and combined, in poetry, in
novels, in magazines, and even in religious journals.
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