Thursday, December 16, 2010

Christology Quiz

Which of the following statements, if any, are orthodox; or which of the following statements, if any, are heretical?

1. The Son of God, the Second member of the Trinity, in the Incarnation, stopped being God for a time and became man for a time.

2. The Son of God took on the form of a man, but was not really a man.

3. The Son of God, the Second member of the Trinity, laid aside some of His attributes for a time and became man for a time.

4. Jesus was simply a common man when He was born and was later glorified by the Father and adopted as God.

5. In Christ there two persons: a human person and a Divine Person.

6. Christ was neither God nor man, but a special combination of both at the same time.

7. Jesus was a human person and the Divine Son of God, the Second member of the Trinity became His soul.

8. In the Incarnation, God was specially formed in the womb of Mary as the man Jesus Christ.

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