In the Biblical view of
the world, the sovereignty of God out-ranks the laws of nature. God
dwells in eternity outside the created universe. In theological terms
this is known as the aseity of God. This is the attribute of God most
likely to be neglected by Christians. That's why we often think of
life as a series of events primarily concerning ourselves and the
events we don't like we label "trials."
This is an inherently
idolatrous view of creation. Though man was the pinnacle of creation,
he was not the purpose. God's own glory was the purpose of creation.
God decrees and overrules; He never reacts. He works all things
according to the counsel of His will.
Neglect of this doctrine
also explains why we instinctively look for "scientific"
explanations for things Scripture clearly depicts as miracles.
Whether it be the parting of the Red Sea or Joshua's long day, when
we insist that there must be an explanation that accords with the
known laws of physics, we are betraying the same idolatrous view of
creation. God created all things and He upholds all things by the
word of His power. Nothing He does requires a naturalistic
The so-called war between
science and the Bible really boils down to a question of who has the
legitimate claim to infallibility. Our instinctive trust in science
over Scripture exposes our native hatred for God and our worship of
our own intellect. We'll believe in and trust our own fallen,
sin-perverted minds over God's infallible and inerrant Word. We
worship the creature more than the Creator.